Category: Humanitarian Aid

February 2, 2022

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We had relocated refugees to the temporary shelters, and supplied dry foods, drinking water, and others necessities. Logistic is still quite challenging though.
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February 2, 2022

Christmas Day at the refugee camp

Christmas Day at the refugee camp - at least children got foods to eat, balloons to play for that day. Construction of shelters are still work in progress.
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February 2, 2022

Refugee Aid to Demoso (Dimawhso)

Development Foundation is grateful for those who are tirelessly working on the ground. I would also like to thank Support the Democracy Movement in Burma - SDMB for supporting
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December 6, 2021

Refugee Aid to Demoso

Our coordinator and the team on the ground confirmed that foods and supplies were delivered to Demoso(Dimawhso) town, Kayah state- South-Eastern region of Myanmar. Burma army attacked this beautiful
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November 13, 2021

Refugee Aid to Thantlang

While we are gearing toward sending humanitarian aids and supplies to the regions in Myanmar where military regime previously destroyed the villages in the air raids, we are heartbroken
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August 27, 2021

COVID-19 Project

COVID outbreak in Myanmar was devastating blow to the people of Myanmar while suffering hardship under recent military coup. Hundreds of COVID-19 victims are reported death every day, yet
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